Tuesday, June 3, 2008

San Diego Week 1

Wow, what an amazing place. It is so beautiful out here in San Diego. The temp never really gets above 85 and there is always a cool breeze off of the ocean plus there is no humidity. I am staying in the Santa Clara Motel. We are about 100 yards from the bay and a block and a half from the ocean. It is so beautiful, i cannot truly describe in words how nice it is here. My plane coming into San Diego was about 2 hours and 45 min late so I didnt get to Mission Beach until about 3:45 pacific time. Once I arrived they had me do some paper work and then they sent me out to find a job. Sea world only hired about 50 of the 120 students this year due to some unfortunate things that have happened. So there are 70 of us trying to find jobs within walking or biking distance. The hardest thing right now is to remember all of the names of the students here. I am staying in a room with 5 other guys. The room is a little bigger than a big dorm room. I am on the communications team, so i will basically be in charge of helping edit the videos for FNL (friday night live) this is a gathering that we do on friday night for anyone in the community and we show a video that we make and Somebody gives a message. So far in this first week we have spent 3 days sharing the gospel, two on the beach and 1 at a college.Today (Tues) half of the project went to mexico and the other half went to the college campus of UCSD. I went to the college. Here we spent the entire day presenting the gospel and having spiritual conversations with students. At 2:30 today we had a bible study where all of the project students at the college got into small groups and we had bible study right there on campus and any students that wanted to join us could. Tomarrow I will go to mexico and spend the day with the kids at the orphanage. I have only been out here for a week and it feels like a month already. The staff have really kept us busy these first few days and now i think it will settle down a little. I just want to say thank you again to all of those that are praying for me. It is amazing to see how God has worked in poeple's lives in just one week. Please to continue to pray for the students out here and that we would be 0pen to what God has in store for us this summer. Thanks again! and oh, sorry if this blog jumped around a little, i was having a hard time getting all of the events in order.

In Christ,
Todd Singer


Treble55 said...

Todd, I was reading in I Timothy 4:6-8 and it talks about using our God-given talents for service for the Lord. We are so thankful that you are willing to go where God leads you. We love you and are praying for you daily. Mom and Dad

lalanola said...

Your mom shared your blog with me. I am sure God will open doors for you and a job opportunity. God already knows what the summer has in store for you and you will grow lots. Be sure to take time to "Be Still and Know God" even better.... Psalms 46:10
Aunt Laurell